Talk-Through Video Sessions.

The Healthy Relationships Course  broken down into bite-size mentoring sessions.

Please note some of these worksheets cover difficult content that may be distressing.


Healthy Relationships – Introduction to the Course.

The Course Ground Rules.

Sessions & Self-Targets.

Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire.

Relationships & Me.

Circle of Friends.

Qualities of a good friend.

Online & Social Media. 

How do people get tricked?

Sexting. (Difficult Content).

What does the Law say – Consequences & Advice. (Difficult Content)

If you are happy & you know it.

Good or Bad Relationship Cards – Activity. 

Good or Bad Relationship Cards – Activity. (Difficult Content).

What is Relationship abuse? Type of abuse Activity. (Difficult Content).

How Equal / Safe is my Relationship? – Quick Yes/No Questionnaire.

8 Before It’ Too Late Guide.

Consent – Is it Rape? (Difficult Content).

Flirt or Harassment Cards – Activity.

Myth Cards – Activity. (Difficult Content).

Victim Blaming. (Difficult Content).

Legal or Illegal Cards – Activity. (Difficult Content).

Personal Review.